Growing up I always remember watching shows on TV that portrayed “The Boss” as that evil, cruel and malevolent person whose only goal is to constrain our lives to maximize their own well-being. Does this paint a picture? Can you relate to this in any way? Well, today I want to tell you that there is a way to avoid becoming that person by acknowledging five simple attributes that will set you apart from the crowd and help you become the boss you should have.
1) Attitude – Create a positive environment
What are the thoughts that go through your mind when you wake up for work? We have all been there; it’s Monday morning and we feel tired and lack the energy to get up. At that moment is when our attitude sets us apart and becomes the strength we need to create a positive environment. Just like choosing to get up when we are tired, our attitude will reflect our way of thinking through tough scenarios. Next time you are faced with a lack of motivation remember that your attitude coming in will determine your success coming out.
2) Tact – Be thoughtful about your team
We all start somewhere. I started with little knowledge about my industry and doing what they call “intern work”, the tasks that the full-time employees had to do but didn’t really want to. Going through this taught me a very valuable lesson: be mindful about every member of your team because we are all in different stages of our lives. Sometimes you will be the teacher of an incoming member, and sometimes you will be the student of a seasoned leader. No matter where you fall along the spectrum, always remember to be sensitive about the members of your team.
3) Service – Go beyond your work title
I believe that no matter where you are, what you do, and who you work with, as long as you work with people, you are in the service industry. By this I mean that you should aim to serve those around you to the best of your ability, not letting work titles and pride constrain the work you do. Go beyond your work title and be a part of the team. Being part of the team means making sacrifices for the people your work with and jumping in to support even if you are not required to do so.
4) Drive – Be a task starter
What helps you get up in the mornings? For me, it’s thinking of ways to make your life happier. For some, it’s looking out for their loved ones, or even for themselves. No matter what your motivation is, we should all have a reason to help, show up, or seize an opportunity. Don’t wait to be given a task, be a task starter. Next time you are waiting for a task, take responsibility and get ready for action.
5) Empathy – Understand life happens outside of the office too
When I started my career, I fell for a common mistake, I thought that work was all there was to life. As someone without significant life commitments and new to the working world, I was able to commit most of my time to my career. It wasn’t until I learned from my peers that life happens inside and outside of the office, and that we can’t constrain ourselves to one or the other. Being able to understand, and care for those around you will allow you to share their situations in a new way that will enable meaningful relationships to flourish.
Embrace these five attributes and your boss will thank you today, just like you will thank yourself when you become “The Boss”. In this case, “The Boss” is also known as that compassionate, driven, and caring person whose goals are to support the lives of those under them, and maximize the profits and the well-being of their organization. Break the mold and set the new standard for who “The Boss” should be.