How to Win Using Perspective

Perspective, also known as point of view, is the reference we use to make a decision. Sometimes it’s based of our previous experiences, and sometimes it’s based on our cultural surroundings. Having perspective is more about seeing what’s around you, than about comparing abundance with absence.

Today I want to share with you my strategy on how to use perspective to become a better professional:

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What Keeps You from Doing “It”

“It” can be your next project at work, your target weekly routine, or your personal dream. I’ve learned that there are certain challenges that can halt our progress and make us come to a full stop from pursuing “it”. Some people call these “rough patches”, other people call them “low points”, I call them “works in progress”. It’s basically a point in our life where difficulty seems overwhelming and the solution seems very far away.

Continue reading “What Keeps You from Doing “It””

How to Improve Job Performance Using Gratitude

I’ve always found, for the most part, that there are two types of workers: those who are passionate about what they do, and those who are not. I believe there are a lot of people who fell into a track and stayed there because it paid the bills, but they haven’t found what they are passionate about. They work because they have to and that’s okay, for now. If this is you, I’ll get with you at a later time. On the other hand, if you are happy where you are and want to perform well, I invite you to work with gratitude. There are studies that link gratitude to employee well-being, less stress, and higher satisfaction. Working with gratitude is achieved through a series of constant small actions. It’s not difficult to be grateful, but it will take work if you’re not used to it.   Continue reading “How to Improve Job Performance Using Gratitude”

Why You Should Take A Break

It took me almost two years to schedule my first vacation. I had grown up with a strong work ethic and I felt that the work was too important to step away from it. And then came my first vacation. I couldn’t believe the power rest can have and how just one week can make such a big difference in our life. Today I want to tell you why you should take a break and the importance of doing so. Continue reading “Why You Should Take A Break”

3 Tips to Speak in Public

I started speaking in public from an early age. Throughout my early schooling and extracurriculars, I always tried to get involved in activities that required a presentation or any sort of public speaking. I remember stumbling often, making mistakes, and forgetting what I was talking about. Although I started being very bad, I started getting better once I learned certain aspects of public speaking that made it easier to be comfortable in front of a crowd of people.

Today I want to share with you three tips to improve your public speaking exponentially: Continue reading “3 Tips to Speak in Public”

From Zero to Hero

I’ve been happy with the latest superhero rise to mainstream because even though I never read comics growing up, I played almost all the superhero video games I could get my hands into. The thought of being phenomenal has always been on my mind and the more I grow, the more I’m able to transform that thought into to a concept. The basic superhero premise is you start simple, then something happens to you to acquire a skill or power, and through training and practice you become a world-saving superhero. Some heroes may have different stories, but the concept is usually the same, they start small and grow big.

Today I want to share with you how to go from zero to hero in three simple ways: Continue reading “From Zero to Hero”

5 Things Your Boss Wished You Knew

Growing up I always remember watching shows on TV that portrayed “The Boss” as that evil, cruel and malevolent person whose only goal is to constrain our lives to maximize their own well-being. Does this paint a picture? Can you relate to this in any way? Well, today I want to tell you that there is a way to avoid becoming that person by acknowledging five simple attributes that will set you apart from the crowd and help you become the boss you should have. Continue reading “5 Things Your Boss Wished You Knew”