What Keeps You from Doing “It”

“It” can be your next project at work, your target weekly routine, or your personal dream. I’ve learned that there are certain challenges that can halt our progress and make us come to a full stop from pursuing “it”. Some people call these “rough patches”, other people call them “low points”, I call them “works in progress”. It’s basically a point in our life where difficulty seems overwhelming and the solution seems very far away.

Today I will share with you what is keeping you from doing “it” and what you can do to overcome these challenges: 

1) Poor Planning

There’s been many times where I’m getting ready to do a cool and fun idea, but I never get to it because I didn’t plan how I would get it done. I overlook the actual work that it takes to accomplish that goal. As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that people have their own priorities, time constraints, and financial preferences. Just because you want to do something doesn’t mean that everybody will jump on board. 

However, there is a way to avoid this and it’s packaged in a five-letter acronym, called the 5 P’s, or “Poor Planning Prevents Proper Performance”. I use this acronym to remember that well executed activities take planning. This includes studying for your exams, for getting those complicated tasks at work, and even for your next birthday party. Take the time to lay out all the steps you need to take and write how long each would take you. I personally like to write out a weekly schedule to make sure I hold myself accountable during the week.

2) Overwhelming Doubt

“I’m not ready to do this” or “I haven’t learned how to do this” can be very overwhelming. There’s a difference between doubt and lack of preparation and it’s very important to understand these two. Doubt is when you know deep down that you can try doing something because you can learn from it, but you simply don’t believe you can do it. Lack of preparation, on the other hand, is having no experience in a subject that requires it and therefore making you unsuitable.

Once you recognize which situation you are in, I’ve found that the best way to combat doubt is to have faith. Faith that you no matter how it goes, you will learn, you will grow, and you will become a better person. Overwhelming doubt can be terrifying, but overwhelming faith is stronger. Believe in yourself and always keep a positive result in mind because you never know where it may lead to.

3) Unhealthy Habits

Growing up my mother would always tell me to eat my vegetables and to be healthy. I didn’t understand the value of this until I moved away. Living alone, I get to decide what to eat and what to do with my time. I can go eat fast food every day, and sit in the couch and watch TV, or I can go for healthier meal and exercise. Even though having unhealthy habits give us instant gratification, the hardships that come from them are felt in the latter part of our life. Some of these hardships, including obesity, fatigue, and sickness, slow you down and put a cap on your capacity. 

In order to avoid these unhealthy habits, I recommend setting up a series of obstacles both mental and physical to help yourself. If you struggle picking up fast food on your way from work, remind yourself how bad they can be and if you still struggle, consider changing the way home to avoid passing through those places. This also goes for exercise. If you find it hard to leave your house, take your gym clothes with you and change in the car to avoid getting home and not doing anything. Find little ways to nudge yourself to make the best possible decisions.

4) Lack of Gratitude

I used to complain a lot. Not necessarily to other people, but to myself for the situations I couldn’t control. “If he had done this” or “if she could’ve avoided that”, I used to say. I felt heavy and negative, always looking for ways to complain. It wasn’t until I realized that this mindset didn’t take me anywhere that I started to change. I started by looking at the positive and got my mind used to looking for that first. 

Now, I start by counting my blessings. When times are difficult, I remember the times that I’ve been successful, and I just thank God for the good and the bad. When you start feeling negative, take a step back and remember what you are thankful for. It could be your family, your home, or even your job. Count your blessings and be humble about them.

5) Negative Surroundings

I’m sure by now you’ve heard this, but I’ll say it again because it’s that important. The people your surround yourself determine who you will become. If you hang out with negative and pessimistic people, you will most likely become like them. It might not happen overnight, but with constant interactions, it will happen eventually. 

Look around you. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the people you spend most of your time with. See if they have the qualities to build you up and make you a better person. If they don’t, make sure you step away from them and little by little you will learn that your life becomes better. It’s not that you’re better than anybody, it’s that you love your growth and development first.

There will always be challenges in front of you, but it’s up to you how you face these challenges. Remember these five things and try to work around them. Thank you for reading and please reach out if you have any questions.