I’ve been happy with the latest superhero rise to mainstream because even though I never read comics growing up, I played almost all the superhero video games I could get my hands into. The thought of being phenomenal has always been on my mind and the more I grow, the more I’m able to transform that thought into to a concept. The basic superhero premise is you start simple, then something happens to you to acquire a skill or power, and through training and practice you become a world-saving superhero. Some heroes may have different stories, but the concept is usually the same, they start small and grow big.
Today I want to share with you how to go from zero to hero in three simple ways:
1) Show Up
There have been times when just for being at work, or in class, I witnessed incredible things. At work, we would get a special visit from someone very important in the company and they take us out to lunch, or in class, the professor is feeling generous and gives us a surprise open book quiz for extra credit. These things and even better things can also happen to you if you show up. Be there, but don’t just be a body, be present where you are and have a purpose for being there. When you have a purpose, you will be more driven to participate and more attentive to take any opportunity that might come your way.
2) Serve Up
Some of the most transformational moments in my life have come from serving those around me. Serving made it to this list because it reminds me that we are not better than anyone and that we can serve everyone. The first time I served in a real capacity, I remember feeling essential to the people I served. I started applying this mindset to my surroundings and started noticing that people would give me opportunities that weren’t there before because now I was in their minds as somebody willing to serve. Serve those around you with humility and see how that builds up your character to care for the people you encounter.
3) Love Up
Lastly, the one feeling that ties the conversion from zero to hero: love. Without love, the road to becoming great would be a lot more difficult. Love, in this situation, is for a great interest in what you’re doing. I don’t remember too well the moments I had in the past where my heart wasn’t present, and I remember vividly the ones where my heart was beating strong at every step. Does this happen to you as well? For good or bad, our heart works as a story-teller and we need to love where we are to make it a memorable experience. Love what you do and give it your top effort all the time.
If you’re starting your new job, your new semester, or even your new school, remember these three things. Heroes go from the bottom up, and with constant work, it’s only a matter of time before you make it to the top. Have faith in yourself and keep going!